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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Forum topicDxcc not change! why? in3klq11 year 4 months ago
Forum topicEDI export error OE5JWL31 year 4 months ago
Forum topicWARNING for Cqrlog QT5 version users oh1kh01 year 4 months ago
Forum topicRadio definitions in drop down menu missing K4QLQ21 year 4 months ago
Forum topicJak usunąć duplikaty QSO z Cqrlog? How to remove duplicate QSOs from Cqrlog? sp5smy11 year 4 months ago
Forum topic CQRLOG 2.4.0 - "ClubLog: Upload failed! Check Internet connection" DL2KI41 year 5 months ago
Forum topicError during connection to database: TMySQL57Connection ON6GMT51 year 5 months ago
Forum topicNew DXCC Table DO1YHJ11 year 5 months ago
Forum topicupload lotw now working n8mus11 year 5 months ago
Forum topicAccess violation after upgrade kk4ggl31 year 5 months ago
Forum topicRigcontrol not working w3khg451 year 5 months ago
Forum topicOR value is missing from QSL menu F8EHJ01 year 5 months ago
Forum topicQSL_S DO NOT SEND and QSL_S_DATE F8EHJ21 year 5 months ago
Forum topicError during attempt to start CQRlog Anonymous (not verified)61 year 5 months ago
Forum topicClublog upload not working. OY1R51 year 5 months ago
Forum topicCan't run CQRlog k8hw71 year 5 months ago
Forum topicHelp with script k8hw21 year 5 months ago
Forum topicClublog upload workaround KL2ZZ101 year 5 months ago
Forum topicQSO List g4nkx11 year 5 months ago
Forum topicMore than 2 rigs in TRX control NZ0T81 year 6 months ago
Forum topicClublog upload problem 4X6GP11 year 6 months ago
Forum topicSolved: Issues with MariaDB 10 on4ezj21 year 6 months ago
NewsHamlib and TCPIP ok1rr31 year 6 months ago
Forum topicLog import issue k8wdx11 year 6 months ago
Forum topicLog import issue (sub modes) k8wdx11 year 6 months ago
