LOTW Error when downloading from website or importing local adi

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LOTW Error when downloading from website or importing local adi


I keep getting an error when I try to download from the ARRL LOTW site, or import a local adif file after download, when using the QSO list QSL import feature. The error message is:

":0" is an invalid integer

I cannot seem to fix this problem. I deleted cqrlog (on ubuntu), removed the .config files and started from scratch with a reinstall.
I successfully imported a saved .adi file, so my log was complete. I just can't get it to update whether I have received an LOTW QSL.

Any ideas?


LOTW Error when downloading from website or importing local adi

Hi Rob!

Have you set all band start/ends properly because you are in Region2 and the default values are for Region1. See preferences/bands/frequencies.

Then what is the version and version date of Cqrlog? See QSO list/bottom left corner.

Adif import should create an error file to your home directory or to ~/.config/cqrlog directory depending on Cqrlog version.

One quess more:
if you get message that ":0" is invalid integer (colon zero) that could be that either one (or more) of adi qso record tags have wrong length, or that Cqrlog reads tags incorrectly.
I do not believe that LoTW sends incorrectly formatted tags, so the Cqrlog version raises the question.

Could you send an adi file that does not work to me, and also corresponding adif import error file if you find it. My email is ok in HamQTH and QRZ


vince (not verified)
As far as I can see, there

As far as I can see, there are a few ways to solve this problem. One of the solution procudures can be applied while I write my dissertation methodology.