Hi friends
I have installed CQRlog 2.5.2
I just have a problem I can't see the TRX control frequency, I also tried to follow the video tutorial and following all the configurations steps but I couldn't solve the problem.
Is there someone who can help me ?
Fri, 2022-03-18 23:15
TRX control config
Hi Massimo!
A little bit more information is needed for helping you.
How the preferences/TRXcontrol settings are done?
What if you open command terminal and start cqrlog typing (copy/paste next line to terminal):
cqrlog --debug=1 > /tmp/debug.txt
Once cqrlog has opened for use close it again. Then look the file /tmp/debug.txt with text editor.
At the start of file (within first 100 lines) you should see did the rigctld (part of Hamlib package)
start ok.
If that does not start you can not get your rig working with cqrlog.
After we know what the TRXcontrol settings are and what debug.txt says about rigctld more specific help may be given.
Hi Saku
Thank you for replay to me
I did as you did tell me and in attach you can see resulted.
I wait your suggestions to fix my problem.
Hi Massimo!
Is this really all that you get to debug.txt ?
SELECT log_nr,log_name FROM cqrlog_common.log_list order by log_nr
Closing DXCluster window
Between those lines of your debug.txt should be lot more text. Compare to debug.txt of this thread in message #9 from N3UA
You should find lines:
Settings: -----------------------------------------------------
And what are lines after that are the interesting lines telling how your rig is connected.
BTW what rig do you have?
You say you have watched a video. What video?
You have to open preferences. NewQSO top menu: File/preferences. From there you have to find Tab called "TRX control"
If you get this message you do not have Hamlib package installed, or if it is installed the "path to rigctld binary" is wrong.

In this case you have to open command termnal window and type:
whereis -b rigctld
You should get full path to rigctld, if it is installed. Then copy that to preferences/TRXControl Tab's "path to rigctld binary" column
Then close preferences from OK button and open it again from NewQSO top menu File/peferences. Now you should not get that error message again. And then you can select your rig model from "Rig model" selection column's list.
When it is done type the device port name to column "Device" it is something like "/dev/ttyUSB0" or similar depending to what port your rig's CAT wire is connected.
Once rig model and device are set you need also check the checkbox "Run rigctld when program starts" if it is not checked already.
After that you can close preferences from OK button and see if your rig is connected now.
If you have never used cqrlog before it may be that you do not have rights to use the "device" port. In many linuxes user is added to group called "dialout" that gives permissions to device port.
But unfortunately it is not so with all linuxes. You can check that with command terminal and commands:
ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0
you have to use same device name as you used in preferences. The answer should look like this:
[saku@hamtpad ~]$ ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 21. 3. 18:19 /dev/ttyUSB0
Now there are rw (read/write) pertmissions to user "root" and group "dialoiut" that is good.
Then check that your username (never use user "root" when running cqrlog!) belongs to group "dialout". Type:
Answer should contain "dialout" like here:
[saku@hamtpad ~]$ groups
saku dialout lock wireshark
First try this:
5) close preferences from OK button
My Prefernces TRX Control in attachment
Hi Massimo!
Now first change TRX control settings so that all other serial parameters are "Default" but leave the 19200 as it is.
Then check your ic7300 settings from radio (Menu/Set/connectors/Ci-v):
ci-v baudrate auto
ci-v address 94h
ci-v tranceive OFF
ci-v USB->remote Tranceive address 00h
ci-v Output(for ANT) OFF
CI-V USB port Link to [REMOTE]
ci-v USB baud rate Auto (grayed)
ci-v Echo Back OFF (grayed)
These grayed ones you can change only if you have "CI-V USB port Unink from [REMOTE]" but as they are grayed they should not be in effect.
These should help.
If not, are you sure that your rig is at /dev/ttyUSB3 ?
You can test it before you start cqrlog using command terminal:
rigctld -m373 -r /dev/ttyUSB3 -vvv
That should give something like:
[saku@hamtpad ~]$ rigctld -m3073 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -vvv
read_string_generic(): Timed out 1.001 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
read_string_generic(): Timed out 1.000 seconds after 0 chars, direct=1
Opened rig model 3073, 'IC-7300'
You can stop rigctld with Ctrl+C
Note: My rigctld is new version and rig model is 3073, you should use 373 if that is found from cqrlog's TRX conrol list.
And my rig port is /dev/ttyUSB0. Increasing "v" (up to vvvvv (5)) you can get more debug texts.
If /dev/ttyUSB3 fails you can try numbers 0, 1, 2 instead.
Hi Saku
I finally solved my problem, I am very happy !!!
I was afraid of not being able because I had uninstalled the CQRLOG package and then I could no longer install it, the system was telling me that there was a locked file. I had to find a solution on the net to find the bad file, the process was very long also installing CQRLOG took a long time but in the end it gave me a complete installation. Then I followed your suggestions and now the rig and cat show up, great as you can see from the attachment.
Thank you very much.
Because the package is to my liking and I was sorry not to be able to use it.
Massimo IZ1STS
I did the debug.txt with IC 7300 connected and the result is what you see.
I went to check if the rigctld package is installed, the package is present but not installed. Could that be the problem?
I have got Raspberry Pi 4 64 bit version.
Installed CQRLOG but unable to get IC-7300 talking to CQRLOG while the WSJT-X works fine . I compared the setting for both programs , looks to me ok but still unable start communication with CQRLOG . Here attached is the screenshot for both WSJT-Xn and CQRLOG.
I would apprecciate any idea to fix this problem !
Thanks 73
Sejo , N3UA
HI Sejo!
You can not access IC7300 twice. It will not work.
Either you set cqrlog to access ic7300 and select wsjt-x to use rig model #2, Net Hamlib rigctld. Then you have always to start cqrlog before wsjtx.
Or start rigctld with script before any programs using rig model # 3073 with rigctld and then use rigc model #2 with cqrlog and wsjtx.
For further information, please read this:
Hi Saku,
Thanks for you reply.
I understood your point but I am not trying to get both programs running and accessing IC-7300 .I am unable to get CQRLOG only talking to rig.The screenshot was for reference only. Would you be able to suggest any troubleshooting for CQRLOG TRX. like I said when running only WSJT-X , works fine with IC-7300.
Sejo , N3UA
Ok Sejo!
If you are not going to run cqrlog and wsjtx at same time then maybe first try would be to set serial speed to 19200 at cqrlog preferences/TRXconrol if baud rate 19200 works with wsjt-x setup.
After that, if no luck yet, you should open cqrlog from command line like I described in message #2 of this thread.
You should see from debug.txt that rigctld really starts. Something like this:
RigCtldArgs:-m 3073 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -t 4532 -s 19200
RunRigCtld: TRUE
RigDevice: /dev/ttyUSB0
RigPoll: 1000
RigChkVfo TRUE
RigId: 3073
Starting RigCtld ...
rigProcess.Executable: /usr/local/bin/rigctld
rigctld started!
If that does not happen "rigctld failed to satrt" then check next where your rigctld is using command termnal command:
whereis -b rigctld
You should get full path of rigctld. Copy that path to cqrlog/prefreneces/TRXcontrol "path to rigctld" and be sure that "Run rigctld when programs starts" is checked. Close preferences.
What happened?
After writing my last message I took closer look of your picture.
You should check "Run rigctld when programs starts". That may be enough, but perhaps also set the serial speed to 19200.
I think that is all you need.
Looks like there is still something else preventing CQRLOG to establish communication with IC-7300.
Here is the debug.txt after starting CQRLOG :
Cqrlog Ver:2.5.1 (001) Date:2021-01-24
**** DEBUG LEVEL 1 ****
Linux version 5.10.103-v8+ (dom@buildbot) (aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-8 (Ubuntu/Linaro 8.4.0-3ubuntu1) 8.4.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.34) #1530 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 8 13:06:35 GMT 2022
SSL libraries:
Loaded 170739 LoTW users
Loaded 152483 eQSL users
Loaded 35417 SCP calls
User home directory: /home/pi/
Program home directory: /home/pi/.config/cqrlog/
Data directory: /home/pi/.config/cqrlog/database/
Memebers directory: /home/pi/.config/cqrlog/members/
ZIP code directory: /usr/share/cqrlog/zipcodes/
Binary dir: /usr/bin/
Share dir: /usr/share/cqrlog/
56 us states loaded
Grid map created
MySQLProcess.Executable: /usr/sbin/mysqld Parameters: --defaults-file=/home/pi/.config/cqrlog/database/mysql.cnf
Trying to connect to database
TMySQL57Connection : Server connect failed.
select * from tables where table_schema = 'cqrlog_common'
SELECT log_nr,log_name FROM cqrlog_common.log_list order by log_nr
use cqrlog001
use cqrlog001
use cqrlog001
use cqrlog001
use cqrlog001
SELECT * FROM cqrlog_config
select * from db_version
[UpgradeMainDatabase] Old version: 18 cDB_MAIN_VER: 18
select * from cqrlog_common.db_version
SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref ORDER BY ADIF
SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref ORDER BY ADIF
SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.bands
RigCtldArgs:-m 3073 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -t 4532 --civaddr=94 -s 19200
RunRigCtld: TRUE
RigDevice: /dev/ttyUSB0
RigPoll: 5000
RigId: 3073
Starting RigCtld ...
rigProcess.Executable: /usr/bin/rigctld
rigctld started!
Connected to rigctld @ localhost:4532
Radio1 CW settings:
CW init keyer type:0
CW keyer reloaded by TRControl radio1 change
RotCtldArgs:-m 1 -t 4533
RunRotCtld: FALSE
RotPoll: 500
RotId: 1
Not started rotctld process. (Run is set FALSE)
Connected to rotctld @ localhost:4533
FreqmemSql:select id,freq,mode,bandwidth,info from freqmem order by id
FreqmemFirst:0 FreqmemLast:0
select * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
LoadForm: frmMain
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cqrlog_main
select count(*) from (select distinct adif from cqrlog_main where adif <> 0 and (adif not in (2,8,19,23,25,26,28,30,39,42,44,55,57,58,59,67,68,81,85,93,101,102,113,115,119,127,128,134,139,151,154,155,164,178,183,184,186,193,193,194,196,198,200,208,210,218,220,226,228,229,231,243,244,255,258,261,264,267,268,271,307,488,493))) as foo
select count(*) from (select distinct dxcc_id.dxcc_ref from dxcc_id left join cqrlog_main on dxcc_id.adif = cqrlog_main.adif WHERE cqrlog_main.adif<>0 and (dxcc_ref NOT LIKE '%*') AND (qsl_r = 'Q')) as foo
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = -1
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible Recommend using --vfo switch for rigctld if client supports it
rigctl and netrigctl will automatically detect vfo mode
> 0 ORDER BY nr
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = -1
Sending: fmv
Msg from rig: 145000000
Msg from rig: FM
Msg from rig: VFOA
| |
| Welcome to the N3UA AR-Cluster Telnet Server |
| Located in Richmond Virginia |
| |
| Running AR-Cluster Version 6 Software |
| |
| CW skimmer spots are defaulted ON |
| but can be turned OFF with filters |
| |
| Filter information at: |
| http://www.ab5k.net/ArcDocsVer6/UserManual/ArcDx.htm |
| |
| AR-Cluster Client desktop app available |
| Demo at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tq5j20kXuo |
| Info at: http://www.ab5k.net |
| |
At the login prompt please enter your amateur radio callsign.
Please enter your call:
Hello N3UA-11
Welcome to the N3UA AR-Cluster node version 6.0.4112
Attached is another debug file just created after creating a new log file (N3UA) and adding a rotor control .Now, I noticed when the program starts it will key the radio with a short beep and freq will set randomly (e.g 21.225).
Sejo , N3UA
Hi Sejo!
You should not need civaddr as 94 is the default. How ever it is not any reason.
Your second debug.txt looks like it has connection working. The response from rig may have something weird.
When cqrlog is open open command terminal and make telnet connection to rigctld:
telnet localhost 4532
Type then fmv and enter. You should get similar response as this:
[saku@hamtpad ~]$ telnet localhost 4532
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
RPRT -11
If it is not similar your cqrlog version can not read it properly. RPRT -11 comes because IC7300 can not answer to "v" (vfo) par of fmv.
Looking from my 7300 CI-V:
ci-v baudrate auto
ci-v address 94h
ci-v tranceive OFF
ci-v USB->remote Tranceive address
ci-v Output(for ANT) OFF
CI-V USB port Link to [REMOTE]
ci-v USB baud rate Auto (grayed)
ci-v Echo Back OFF (grayed)
And my rigctld runs (started from script, and all programs use then rig #2 Net Hamlib rigctld to connect rigctld):
/usr/local/bin/rigctld -m 3073 -r /dev/icom7300 -t 4532 -s 19200 -C auto_power_on=0 --vfo
You have quite old cqrlog. Can you compile from official GitHub source?
I wrote new rigctld connection fix few months ago. It accepts rigctld parameter "--vfo" usage and also communicates with rigctld in different way.
If you can (will) not compile you could try my ready compiled binary update file.
It is done with Rpi 4b and could run also with Ubuntu/RPi
This should tell how to compile from source:
Raspberry PI 4 and cqrlog https://www.cqrlog.com/node/3124
And you find a script newupdate.sh (newupdate.zip) that makes the update (and backups) with ready compiled binary file from here:
Select update #3 from selection list. (Please read README)
I made a progress after re-imaging SD card , the CQRLOG started talking to IC-7300
Sejo , N3UA
i, too, am having trouble connecting my IC-7300 to CQRLog. Admins: Should i continue in this thread, or start a new post?
Perhaps new thread with problem description would be nice. Thank you.