Stops after 7 entries, generates two errors and nothing shows up in cqrlog.
I'm sure that others have succeeded at importing xlog adif files, if so, what are the secrets! If not, I can supply a log and the error messages.
Paula NX1P
Stops after 7 entries, generates two errors and nothing shows up in cqrlog.
I'm sure that others have succeeded at importing xlog adif files, if so, what are the secrets! If not, I can supply a log and the error messages.
Paula NX1P
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found and fixed the two errors. Now says it loads 9 entries (out of 188 in the ADIF file) but none show at all in CQRLOG
73, NX1P
Hi Paul,
could you please send me your adif file to my email? I'll try to find where is the problem. Thank you.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Thanks Petr,
Paula NX1P
73, NX1P
Has any progress been made on this issue?
73 de paul ve2ofh