Feature request: support multiple QTH profiles / tqsl locations in LOTW sign/upload

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Feature request: support multiple QTH profiles / tqsl locations in LOTW sign/upload

For folks who regularly make contacts from different station locations, such as via remotehamradio.com and other things like it, we may end up with QSOs from many QTH Profiles scattered throughout our log that all need to be signed with the right location ID using tQSL. Currently, the location name is "hard-coded" in the tQSL binary string.

The way I envision this working is that there would be a checkbox on the LOTW export window saying something like "check for multiple QTH profiles" that would trigger this behaviour. Then, for example, it would use the my_loc field for the -l argument to tQSL to sign all the newly exported contacts from that location. If there were multiple my_loc values in a single export, it would need to process a separate file for each during the signing process. Then, once everything is signed, the upload button would send all of the newly signed files to LOTW, each with the proper location based on which QTH profile the QSO(s) were logged under. Note that this way would also require people to set up their tQSL using the grid locator for the location name. Alternatively, there could be some configuration that would associate the my_loc field with a configurable tQSL location name and that would be substituted instead.

What do you guys think? Is this kind of thing feasible?