<p>I am using CQRlog 2.5.2 (001) on a Linux Mint machine. I am testing importing ADIF files from my DXLab DXKeeper application. I am finding the DXCC CFM total presented on the CQRlog QSO List window is much lower in value than what I expected. I discovered that the QSL_R and QSL_S fields do not seem to be populating correctly.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>For example, here is one of the ADIF records I imported from DXKeeper:</p>
<p> </p>
<p><Band:3>20M <Call:5>3B8CF <APP_DXKEEPER_DXCCPREFIX:3>3B8 <DXCC:3>165 <Mode:2>CW <N</p>
<p>ame:5>Jacky <Operator:4>W0ZW <QSL_Rcvd:1>V <QSL_Sent:1>Y <QSO_DATE:8>20030110 <TIM</p>
<p>E_OFF:6>034300 <TIME_ON:6>034300 <QTH:16>Mauritius Island <RST_Rcvd:3>559 <TX_PWR:</p>
<p>5>100.0 <QSLRDATE:8>20061210 <CONT:2>AF <ITUZ:2>53 <CQZ:2>39 <IOTA:6>AF-049 <PFX:3</p>
<p>P_DXKeeper_QSL_Rcvd_Save:1>V <APP_DXKeeper_QRZcom_LogID:2>-1 <APP_DXKeeper_DXCCCre</p>
<p>ditNumber:11>1099587372C <CREDIT_GRANTED:41>DXCC:CARD, DXCC_BAND:CARD, DXCC_MODE:C</p>
<p>ARD <APP_DXKEEPER_MY_QTHID:12>San Patricio <EOR></p>
<p>Notice the CREDIT_GRANTED field indicates I have DXCC, Band and Mode credit for this QSO by having submitted a card. However the CQRlog qsl_r field is blank. I expected it to show "V". In addition, the qsl_s field indicates "B". I expected it to show "Y". Can you explain this behavior please? Am I using the import feature correctly? How can I obtain more correct DXCC CFM totals? I would very much like to replace DXKeeper with CQRlog. Thanks.</p>
<p>Wayne, W0ZW</p>
Thu, 2024-11-28 17:07
QSL Field Discrepancy After ADIF Import
Upon further research, it appears that when I replace the "V" with "Y" in the qsl_r field of the ADIF file and import that file into a new CQRlog database the DXCC CFM total appears to now be correct. So my ADIF file V 3.0.9 should not use the "V" and instead let the CREDIT_GRANTED field provide the confirmation information.
Now a new issue with my ADIF import: Why does the qsl_s field default to "B"? Can this behavior be changed to "D" and if so how?
Thanks so much.
Wayne, W0ZW
Hi Wayne!
Cqrlog (any version) does not have full ADIF support.
"CREDIT" is one of non supported tags. Supporting all tags, of all versions of ADIF, with follow up to their changes is an endless job.
Usually problems arise when ADIF file from another program than Cqrlog is imported to Cqrlog. There are lots of tags not having corresponding database columns and that leads to need of conversions for import and export that adds the workload of handling all ADIF properly.
More trouble for import is caused by other programs that put UTF8 type characters in ADIF tags (that should contain only 7bit ASCII). One routine more to check this kind of trouble.
I do not remember (so long time) what kind of adif routines there are in 2.5.2. I have done lot of work with those since 2.5.2 and those changes appear in CqrlogAlpha (a Cqrlog clone) but even there the CREDIT is not supported.
Checking https://adif.org while writing this I noticed that they have again made a new version release 3.1.5. I hope it does not have any major changed that that should be counted on.
Linux has many powerful command console tools for text files. (awk, sed, tr, iconv etc...) For example "sed" is one that can easily change tag names or values in whole adif file before using the file for import to Cqrlog.
With them you can do all needed changes before import.
Thanks very much for your reply. For editing ADIF I am able to run the application ADIF Master very well on top of WINE. That is what I use to easily edit my import files. After changing the qsl_r items from "V" to "Y" and re-importing I find my DXCC totals are very close to correct. I am still learning your software but I am feeling more comfortable with its capabilities. I still have some work to do to verify my DXCC statistics are correct. I was able to import almost 19,000 QSO records.
One more question: In the QSL List Window the "DXCC" total in the summary at the top of the window is correct for Mixed, but the "DXCC CFM" number does not match the Mixed CFM total in the DXCC Statistics window. It appears to reflect the CW CFM statistic, although it is off by one. What metric is "DXCC CFM" in the QSO List Window presenting? WHy does it differ from the DXCC Statistics Window?
Wayne, W0ZW
Disregard my last question. After closing and opening CQRlog the summary DXCC CFM number now matches the value in the DXCC Statistics window. Nice!
Wayne, W0ZW
Nice to hear that all is noẃ ok.
I think the 4th icon from right ("refresh") in QSO list window would have done the same as restarting the whole program.
You might also be interested in this: https://html-preview.github.io/?url=https://github.com/OH1KH/cqrlog/blob...
If you dig down enough you will find your current version from there.