Hi all,
As my title states, I am unable to upload to Clublog from CQRlog 2.5.2.
I tried debug but it tells me nothing.
In my opinion the programmed URL for Clublog could be wrong because it changed in all the years since I first started using CQRlog.
I tried to change it a bit using Hexedit but to no avail.
At first I am not that handy with Hexedit and more important, I would not know the proper URL anyway.
I am glad to be back on the bands and happy to have CQRlog up and running on a "dedicated" PC.
Does anyone know what to do? My credentials for Clublog are just fine.
I posted this in another thread but it looks like it is not too active on the forum.
Maybe this is a better way.
[EDIT 1] In the meantime I have discovered that "https://secure.clublog.org.php" should be replaced with https://clublog.org/
Hexedit is a bit of an enigma to me. I can't seem to get the empty spaces away between https:// and the rest.
[EDIT 2] I used "Bless" to edit the file. All looked well but I could not start CQRlog. Segmentation error (or fault).
Anyone please? TIA.
73, Tjalling
Hi Tjalling!
Your discovery is right. Hard coded address has changed.
In recent versions of Cqrlog you can change it.

You have two ways:
1) Get offcial Cqrlog source from GitHub and compile it https://github.com/ok2cqr/cqrlog
2) Install my clone of Cqrlog called "Alpha" over exisiting Cqrlog with install script from https://github.com/OH1KH/cqrlog/tree/loc_testing/compiled
Both ways offer version where you can fix the http address without hex edit.
Hi Saku,
Thank you so much!
I chose the option to install your clone.
Thanks to your script, it went smoothly and now I have a perfectly working setup on my Ham-PC.
The proper URL for Clublog was already in place so it started uploading as soon as I clicked "Upload changes to Clublog".
Again Saku, many thanks for your great work!
73, Tjalling PA3GOS