Re-importing DXCC data manually

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Re-importing DXCC data manually


I have noticed that suddenly I cannot manually import DXCC data from the .config/cqrlog/ctyfiles -folder. It gives a warning "Access violation" with risk for data corruption. Happens on both 2.5.2 and 2.6.0, cant recall this happening before.
Automatic updates seem to work.

BR Mikael SM6VJA

Re-importing DXCC data manually

Hi MIkael!

With quick check it happens with Alpha 127, too.

Problem seems to be the DXCC tbl files. Found old test Cqrlog's folders (~/.config/cqrlog/ctyfiles) and manual import from there seem to work.
But not with latest dxcc files in current folder where auto update has put them. I assume problem lays in new files. (size, format?)

Have to check via debug to see what goes wrong and why automated update does not give error.


Re-importing DXCC data manually


Here is the problem file (in ~/.config/cqrlog/ctyfiles folder):

After line "ZY0ZGD" there should not be any lines. If you remove those additional lines then manual dxcc update works well.
I do not understand why auto update have passed this without error splash. (not worth of thinking...hi..)


Re-importing DXCC data manually

Hi Saku!

I had the same experience, it worked with an older set of files. Did not spot this difference.
I will send a link of this conversation to Martin.

73/Kiitokset Mikael SM6VJA

Mikael SM6VJA

ok1rr's picture
DXCC data

Hello Mikael,

it should be fixed now. The culprit was a rest of my notes at the file end. Mea culpa...

AH0U and other US possesions - FCC made a mess from the calls. They adopted a weird philosophy - a ham radio call sign should not follow the ham radio rules as it was before. The only way is to have access to their database (which CQRlog already has) and correct the record (using F11).

I am totally helpless when a KH4 can be in New York or KP4 can be on Guam. The only thing we can do is an automated procedure when a call is in the US or US posessions the FCC database (updated daily) will be recalled. We will possibly do this...