Good evening,
I am using version 2.6.0 (113) GtK2 and everything is ok. I also appreciate the possibility of being able to use several transceivers. But I have a question to ask. I'm trying to use frequency lists in .csv formats from: http:// and import them to CQrlog (TRX control / preferences / Add.modify memories). Unfortunately the csv format is not compatible. Is there a possibility to adapt the csv format to make it usable by CQrlog?..
In the meantime, thank you for the work provided around this great program.
Best 73 Yves F5JQF
HI Yves!
There are many ways to do that.
You can load sked-b22.csv to OpenOffice calc, then remove additional columns and put needed colums to right order.
Actuallly you need just station frequency and name from file. Then you have to create columns mode and bandwidth and auto fill them with same content . i.e. put first line of column text AM, click the cell and click the right bottom corner square dot of the cell with mouse left and keep it pressed while pulling downwards. You get all lines filled with AM.
Same with bandwidth. Write 2400 to first line column then do same as with AM, but now because is question of number you have to keep Ctrl-key pressed while pulling mouse downwards. Otherwise the number will grow by one on every line.
When columns are moved to right order Freq-mode-bandwidth-station name save the result using cvs format and ; as delimiter.
Lot more faster and easier way is to do with command terminal.
Open command terminal and change to download directory where you have sked-b22.csv file.
Lets say it is in your "Download" folder:
cd ~/Download
Then type (paint/copy/paste from here to command terminal) next line:
while read -r line; do awk -F";" '{print $1";AM;2400;"$5}'; done < sked-b22.csv
if the list looks good in terminal then add " > sked_modified.csv" at the end of command line so that it looks:
while read -r line; do awk -F";" '{print $1";AM;2400;"$5}'; done < sked-b22.csv > sked_modified.csv
Then use " sked_modified.csv " for Cqrlog import.
if you get error check the spelling of line.
If line is ok then check that you have command "awk" installed. Type just (ending with enter, of course):
If you have error you must install awk:
sudo apt-get gawk
And the try again.
Good evening Saku,
Thanks for the answer with the solution. I will follow the tutorial to keep only the necessary information (QRG, MODE, BW, INFO). Thank you again for all the help you give to the community.
All the best
73 Yves F5JQF
73 Yves, F5JQF
[ CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx)_Gtk2 / Hamlib 4.7 / Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon 6.4.6 ]
Hello Saku,
I took a list of frequencies in .csv format, keeping only the necessary information (QRG, MODE, BW, INFO). So far so good. However, unable to upload the file. The cause between each information the comma is interpreted as an error. This comma must be replaced by a semicolon. I took a few lines from my file and I replaced the commas with a semicolon and it's ok!. So the modification of sked-b22.csv made with libreoffice calc, gives in output a format not usable by CQRlog.
The method using the command terminal seems a bit complicated to me and I haven't tested it.
Well, I wanted to let you know my results.
Still all my good 73
Yves / F5JQF
73 Yves, F5JQF
[ CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx)_Gtk2 / Hamlib 4.7 / Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon 6.4.6 ]
Hi Yves!
If you use OpenOffice Calc there is a selection "field separator" for that.

In my Finnish language version it is called "kenttäerotin". But you must do "Save with name", not Save. Then it asks this, otherwise it uses same that was in file that was loaded in.
But highly recommend command terminal usage. It is lot, lot, lot more faster. First you have to know where your downloaded file is. In my Finnis Linux the folder is called "Lataukset", In English "Downloads" and I assume you have name in France.
Onec you find the folder an do "cd", (change directory) to that folder you just copy the line from my last message, paste it to terminal and press enter. That's all.
When in command terminal you can scroll last used lines with "arrow up" and "arrow down" keys. So line is needed to write once. If there is error you can go to that with "arrow left" and "arrow right" keys and fix it.
If you have allowed "History" in Linux install (means console command history) next time you do this same later you just open console and press Ctrl+R and type "while" and the command appears again if it is still in history buffer.
It is so fast that it is worth of learning.
Hello Saku,
I modified "field separators" as specified in your explanation, everything is ok now. I can import the file to CQRlog. However, CQRlog crashes. What is the maximum file size to import? I reduced the original file to 4360 lines by removing duplicates. I looked for where the imported data was stored, but I found nothing.
In the meantime, thanks again for all the help
All the best Yves / F5JQF
73 Yves, F5JQF
[ CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx)_Gtk2 / Hamlib 4.7 / Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon 6.4.6 ]
I made the modification on console and loaded it. It tooks quite long to finish but it works.
How ever when edit is closed all memories disappear. It should not be because of size.
There seems not to be any direct limit, but I can not remember how I made it because of so long time since it is done.
I will look at the code when time permits and see why all entries disappear wihle self entered entry stays as it should.
ok Saku, but don't hurry!... All this must remain a pleasure and not a chore. Good day
73 Yves / F5JQF
73 Yves, F5JQF
[ CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx)_Gtk2 / Hamlib 4.7 / Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon 6.4.6 ]
ok Saku, but there's no rush!... All this must remain a pleasure and not a chore. Good day
73 Yves / F5JQF
Ps: sorry for the mistakes
73 Yves, F5JQF
[ CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx)_Gtk2 / Hamlib 4.7 / Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon 6.4.6 ]
Hi Yves!
I found some errors from memory saving/loading. In fact there were several same kind of errors also elsewhere.
I tested with 12000 memories with success. It is just so large value that opening and closing the memory grid takes some time, but works now.
I also added a search to memory grid view to help usage with large memory counts.
The code is now in the Alpha verion as (114) , but not yet in ready compiled side. So if you want to test you must compile the source by yourself. After some testing I will release (114) ready compiled binaries.
Hello Saku,
Thank you for everything. I'll look at it. In the meantime, thank you again for your interest in our problems!
Best 73 Yves / F5JQF
73 Yves, F5JQF
[ CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx)_Gtk2 / Hamlib 4.7 / Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon 6.4.6 ]
Good evening Saku,
I compiled the alpha version 2.6.0 114 and loaded my memoirs file and all is ok... congratulations!.. I will test this version. Thanks again.
Best 73 Yves / F5JQF
73 Yves, F5JQF
[ CQRlog Ver.Alpha_(xxx)_Gtk2 / Hamlib 4.7 / Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon 6.4.6 ]
HI Yves!
Please report if you find something to fix. It is hard for me to notice every side effect changes may cause.
You can email to me direct. You find the address from callbooks.