DXCluster filter settings for digimodes

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DXCluster filter settings for digimodes

Hi folks,
just discovered CXCluster in CQRLOG, nice feature, even if i was familiar with DXCluster as website in firefox.

In preferences i've set the "Show only spots" to my allowed bands for Novice Licence, but can't select or unselect digimodes (FT8 and others).

Would be nice to add digimodes as seperate checkbox to "Show only spots" to exclude digimodes from SSB-entries. Thanks!

I've got 2.6.0 from GitHub, should be latest version.

Cornel , DO5CR

PS: Perhaps an error issue? Despite settings DXCluster all colors to "black", DXCluster shows separate rows in different colors, (blue, light green, white...)

DXCluster filter settings for digimodes

HI Cornel!

For filtering DX spots it must be done at DXCluster side. It has very good commands for that purpose.
See http://www.dxcluster.org/main/usermanual_en-10.html
There you can drop off sports that you do not want to see.

At least with QT5 version of Cqrlog 2.6.0 that I am currently running setting all preferences/DXCluster/colors to Black works showing all spots with black.


Hi Saku,

Hi Saku,
thanks for your answer. I'm a little puzzled now, because i ain't got any installation of DXCluster software. Despite of this fact, the DX-Cluster list is shown in CQRLOG, when i click on the menu for DXCluster.

In this list, the filter settings from CQRLOG will take effect, so i don't know why it should be necessary to install any further software, when DXCluster is shown in CQRLOG directly.

And when there are filter settings in CQRLOG, i can't imagine why it shouldn't be necessary to adjust them in an additional software...

Is it a function on CQRLOG or not?
So if it is, is should all be done with preferences in CQRLOG.

BTW: Colors are blue, green, white and so on, without having software installed from DXCluster.org.


DXCluster filter settings for digimodes

Hi Cornel!

There is no need to install DXCluster software.
But when you open Cqrlog and open it's DXCluster window and select "telnet" tab and connect to dxcluster what you have selected to be connected you can give there filter commands explained in web link about filter commands.

That way the DXCluster sends only filtered spots to you over internet.
I.E. the filtering occurs inside that DXCluster server you have connected, not in your Cqrlog.

Learning those filtering commands and using them the DXCluster remembers that those filters are tied to your callsign (that is your username in setver) and they stay valid there for you next connect time. And that connect can happen from different Cqrlog or even from different loggiing program. Still your filters work same way.

So you do not tune your Cqrlog in your PC, you tune the DXCluster server in internet that you are connected.

This works only with "telnet" conenction. If you use "Web" connection you can not give those filtering commands to DXCluster.

When your CQrlog's DXCLuster window is connected you can type commands to the bottom column of DXCluster window named "Command:"
After typing finish command with enter key and then it is sent to connected DXCluster server and does wanted operation there.

Recommended reading:
-DXCluster command reference (all what connected user can do) http://www.dxcluster.org/main/usermanual_en-12.html
-Filtering commands http://www.dxcluster.org/main/usermanual_en-10.html

-NewQSO/Help/Help index/Quick start/DXCluster
-NewQSO/Help/Help index/Operation/DXCLuster operation



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