Not immediately related to CQRlog but very interesting
We can expect a growing demand for CQRlog!
Martin, OK1RR
Not immediately related to CQRlog but very interesting
We can expect a growing demand for CQRlog!
Martin, OK1RR
There are currently 0 users online.
They didn't hacked his computer, he installed newer version of HRD and found out that his callsign has been added to black list. It's still very bad.
This is why I love open source and freedom around it. You can study and modify the source without any problem and nothing like to HRD won't ever happen. I know CQRLOG is not so comfortable for digi hams like HRD is (was) but you can be absolutely sure that CQRLOG won't block you. You don't have to pay $100 or something for licence, you don't have to think about how many computer can have CQRLOG installed etc.
I read quite a bit of the sordid affair and it was actions like that why I jumped into Linux 20 years ago. It is a move I have never regretted.
This week I got WSJT-X 1.7.0 compiled and working, Trusted QSL 2.3 compiled and working and now CQRlog 2.0.2 (001) installed and working on my Devuan Jessie desktop. Thanks all!