Station worked latitude and longitude Where is it stored

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Station worked latitude and longitude Where is it stored


It appears as though the Latitude and Longitude of the station worked are displayed in the right pane of the New QSO form. This information must be stored somewhere as it changes with each QSO as it appears in the view mode.

I want to write a SQL query to obtain Call, Date, Latitude, Longitude and export the data to a CSV file. I do not see this data in the table definitions I have. Are there new table definitions? What table is this data stored and what are the field names?

Marty, N3MOW

ok2cqr's picture
Re: Station worked latitude and longitude Where is it stored

Hi Marty,

these data are stored only in DXCC tables in text format. The cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref table has only lat and long of a country but CQRLOG gets more accurate coordinates from country tables.

73 Petr

Re: Station worked latitude and longitude Where is it stored


Thank you for your response. Where can I find the DXCC tables in CQRLog? As a text file they can be read into an access datafile.

I'll take a look on the net for them also but, I'd like to use the same ones that CQRLog uses. Meanwhile I'll work with the cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref table.

Marty, N3MOW

Marty, N3MOW

ok2cqr's picture
Re: Station worked latitude and longitude Where is it stored

The country tables are in ~/.config/cqrlog/dxcc_data. DXCC recognition uses data from, and