Bandmap not changing

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Bandmap not changing

I am running 1.8.3 on an OpenSuse box. I have not been very active. Tonight I was on 40 meters and worked a station. I thought I saw a spot fo 80 meters. When I changed the radio, the band map did not refresh. Why did the band map not change?  Closing just the band map did not fix the issue. There is no way to force a refresh??

ok2cqr's picture
Re: Bandmap not changing

Hi Will,
do you have band map showing set related to current band? I've never had this problem. BandMap is refreshed every 500ms or so.
73 Petr

I think I may have had the

I think I may have had the second VFO on TX. I actually caught that tonight. I will have to keep an eye on it again.
Will WC2L