I have just upgraded to kubuntu 22.04 and lost TX control, I have done a reinstall of CQRlog but the same outcome There are no rigs listed in the TXcontrol settings therefore unable to pick one and use the optioin.
any ideas what else has been broken by the upgrade? no error messages.
Chris, M0XRS
For some reason your rigctld (part of Hamlib) does not start.
Open command console and type command:
whereis -b rigctld
In normal situation you should receive only one path where rigctld exist.
Compare the path to Cqrlog's "preferences/TRXControl/Path to rigctld binary" If it is different, or you got two answers from above command change the one that does not currently exist in preferences. Close preference with ok and open again.
You should then get the list of rigs back.
In worst case you have two different path as answer to "whereis" and change of "path to rigctld binary" did not help.
Then it is question of libhamlib libraries are broken because of two Hamlib installs.
Then you have to remove both, that will remove also Cqrlog and other Halib relate programs. After remove install Cqlrog again. It should install only one Hamlib as dependencies of Cqrlog.
Thank you it was as simple as the location of the rigctld had changed during the upgrade as you had suggested, thank you.
Chris, M0XRS