WARNING! Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session! All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log.



There are 5 basic types of online statistics:


The statistics can be viewed from both the login screen and the QSO list, however the menu is slightly different. While the logging screen only allows viewing the statistics, the QSO list can trigger a DXCC statistics rebuild.
Logging screen QSO List
The main difference is that the 'Details' window can ionly be activated (if not activated at program startup, see 'Preferences') from the logging screen. Statistics rebuilding is only possible from the QSO list.

The only statistics which should be maintained are the DXCC ones. With the exception of the footer of the DXCC detailed presentation, all DXCC scores are based on actual valid contries on the current DXCC list, ie. NO deleted countries. Other stats are computed while logging.

There are several presentations of DXCC statistics. A summary is displayed in the QSO List, just above the table.

The detailed statistics are displayed from the logging screen by clicking on the 'Statistics' item of the upper menu bar.

The 'X' denotes a worked country, the 'Q' a confirmed country, the 'L' a confirmed country by LOTW and the 'E' a confirmed country by eQSL.
The order is PHONE - CW - DIGI. The example above shows, that Rodrigues, 3B9, has been worked on 30 metres CW only, on 20 and 17 metres CW and SSB and on 15 metres CW, SSB and digital modes.

The summary footer shows your actual score band by band on all modes, worked and confirmed separately. The 'Totals' column shows your band point score per DXCC Challenge rules. The framed counts showing ALL TIME DXCC scores with deleted countries. It is the only instance showing this.

The 'Export to HTML' button allows exporting of your whole statistics into a nicely formatted HTML page. This is an exact copy of the detailed DXCC stats presentation, including the footer with all-time scores.

WAZ and ITU Zones

Both statistics are similar and very simple.

Again, the 'X' denotes worked, the 'Q' confirmed, the footer contains totals of worked and confirmed zones, band by band.


The IOTA statistics presentation is slightly different. An IOTA reference number and the station worked (confirmed) is displayed. These statistics are derived from the IOTA records of each logged contact. If a QSO record does not contain IOTA information but the station is valid for IOTA, the statistics do not reflect this fact. So update regularly!

The small check box in the left lower corner toggles the worked/confirmed scores. The 'Save' button exports the statistics to an ASCII text file.


The DOK statistics give you an overview of your collected German DOKs. These statistic is derived from the DOK field of each logged contact.
If a QSO record does not contain DOK information, the statistics do not reflect this fact.

To resolve the DOK into a readable name, please activate in menu preferences - program the setting "Check for newer version of DOK database after program startup". This will download dok.csv and sdok.csv files to ~/.config/cqrlog/dok_data

The option 'Show logged (S)DOKs only' will reduce the list, to show only worked DOKs and not all known DOks.

The ComboBox 'DOK & SDOK' give you the option to see DOK&SDOK, only DOK and only SDOK.

Caution: Be aware that the DOK statistic window will not open, when dok.csv and sdok.csv files are missing on ~/.config/cqrlog/dok_data.

The 'Export to HTML' button exports the statistics to a HTML table file.

The 'Show station list' button will show a list of all stations behind the selected and confirmed DOKs.
