Cqrlog Ver:2.4.0 (001) Date:2019-10-27 **** DEBUG LEVEL 1 **** OS: Linux version 4.15.0-112-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-027) (gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04)) #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020 SSL libraries: libssl.so libcrypto.so Loaded 145770 LoTW users Loaded 133723 eQSL users Loaded 34772 SCP calls /home/mseyle/.config/cqrlog/database/rover.pid p.Executable: kill Parameters: 6665 * User home directory: /home/mseyle/ Program home directory: /home/mseyle/.config/cqrlog/ Data directory: /home/mseyle/.config/cqrlog/database/ Memebers directory: /home/mseyle/.config/cqrlog/members/ ZIP code directory: /usr/share/cqrlog/zipcodes/ Binary dir: /usr/bin/ Share dir: /usr/share/cqrlog/ * 56 us states loaded Grid map created /usr/bin/mysqld MySQLProcess.Executable: /usr/sbin/mysqld Parameters: --defaults-file=/home/mseyle/.config/cqrlog/database/mysql.cnf --datadir=/home/mseyle/.config/cqrlog/database/ --socket=/home/mseyle/.config/cqrlog/database/sock --port=64000 Trying to connect to database TMySQL57Connection : Server connect failed. Trying:1 select * from tables where table_schema = 'cqrlog_common' SELECT log_nr,log_name FROM cqrlog_common.log_list order by log_nr use cqrlog001 use cqrlog001 use cqrlog001 use cqrlog001 use cqrlog001 SELECT * FROM cqrlog_config select * from db_version [UpgradeMainDatabase] Old version: 16 cDB_MAIN_VER: 16 select * from cqrlog_common.db_version SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref ORDER BY ADIF SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref ORDER BY ADIF Settings: ----------------------------------------------------- RigCtldPath:/usr/bin/rigctld RigCtldArgs:-m 229 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -t 4532 -s 9600 --set-conf=data_bits=8,stop_bits=1,serial_parity=None,serial_handshake=None,dtr_state=OFF,rts_state=OFF RunRigCtld: TRUE RigDevice: /dev/ttyUSB0 RigCtldPort:4532 RigCtldHost:localhost RigPoll: 5000 RigSendCWR: FALSE RigId: 229 Starting RigCtld ... rigProcess.Executable: /usr/bin/rigctld Parameters: -m 229 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -t 4532 -s 9600 --set-conf=data_bits=8,stop_bits=1,serial_parity=None,serial_handshake=None,dtr_state=OFF,rts_state=OFF rigctld started! Connected to localhost:4532 Settings: ----------------------------------------------------- RotCtldPath:/usr/bin/rotctld RotCtldArgs: RunRotCtld: FALSE RotDevice: RotCtldPort:4533 RotCtldHost:localhost RotPoll: 500 RotId: 1 rotctld started! Connected to localhost:4533 FreqmemSql:select id,freq,mode,bandwidth,info from freqmem order by id FreqmemNR:0=0 FreqmemFirst:0 FreqmemLast:0 CW init address: localhost port: 4532 CW speed changed to:23 SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = -1 SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = -1 select * from view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate where qsodate >= '2020-07-22' order by qsodate,time_on LoadForm: frmNewQSO CWint connected to hamlib CW speed changed to:23 HLresp MSG:|14028500 | HLresp MSG:|CW 1000 | HLresp MSG:|VFOA | HLresp MSG:|RPRT 0 | Sending: fmv Msg from rig: 14028500 Msg from rig: CW 1000 Msg from rig: VFOA Sending: fmv Msg from rig: 14028500 Msg from rig: CW 1000 Msg from rig: VFOA SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = -1 SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr Sending: fmv Msg from rig: 14028500 Msg from rig: CW 1000 Msg from rig: VFOA Sending: fmv Msg from rig: 14028500 Msg from rig: CW 1000 Msg from rig: VFOA SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = -1 select count(*) from cqrlog001.cqrlog_config Saving ini file to database Sending: fmv Msg from rig: 14028500 Msg from rig: CW 1000 Msg from rig: VFOA Sending: fmv Msg from rig: 14028500 Msg from rig: CW 1000 Msg from rig: VFOA Sending: fmv Msg from rig: 14028500 Msg from rig: CW 1000 Msg from rig: VFOA Sending: fmv Msg from rig: 14028500 Msg from rig: CW 1000 Msg from rig: VFOA Sending: fmv Msg from rig: 14028500 Msg from rig: CW 1000 Msg from rig: VFOA SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cqrlog_main select * from profiles order by nr SELECT * FROM view_cqrlog_main_by_qsodate AProcess.Executable: tar Parameters: -cvzf W4MEL_2020-07-27_09-3W4MEL_2020-07-27_09-30-03.adi 0-03.tar.gz W4MEL_2020-07-27_09-30-03.adi Closing rigs... 1 1a 2 3 4 5 6 Section:frmNewQSO Saving window size a position (frmNewQSO) (height|width|top|left):758|823|42|104 select count(*) from cqrlog001.cqrlog_config Saving ini file to database Keying over HamLib closed select count(*) from cqrlog001.cqrlog_config Saving ini file to database 1 2 3 4 5 6 Closing DXCluster window Closing TRXControl window Closing GrayLine window Closing dDXCC Deleting config file: cqrlog.cfg Deleting config file: 1cqrlog.cfg Closing dData /home/mseyle/.config/cqrlog/database/rover.pid p.Executable: kill Parameters: 6726